NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science
NCERT solutions for class 8 science are provided by the team of with our NCERT solutions students can answer questions correctly with proper logical approach and methodology. Our NCERT solutions will help the students to improve their basic knowledge and fundamentals of the science. we also are planning to add extra questions for class 8 science on our website Class 8 NCERT Solutions Science is a crucial subject for Class 8 CBSE students to study. Expert science teachers have created the NCERT Science Solutions for Class 8 in order to aid students in their test preparation and quickly dispel any confusion. Students can use ToppersCBSE study materials and Solutions of NCERT Science Class 8 Book to find solutions to problems in the textbook. With the aid of our solutions, students may better understand the ideas and get ready for exams.
You may find answers to the textbook questions as well as additional questions, illustrative problems, worksheets, multiple-choice questions, and short answer questions in the NCERT Solutions of Science for Class 8 offered here.
We have provided all links for each chapters of class 8 science student of science 8th can download NCERT solutions to read offline
NCERT solutions for class 8 science
To view or download NCERT solutions please click on the links given below for each chapter of class 8 science.
NCERT solutions for class 8 science download PDF
NCERT books are prescribed by CBSE and other states Board of India. our solutions are prepared with very easy language and best explanations according to the NCERT textbooks. NCERT books are known to play important roles in various competitive exams medical engineering or other II exams for higher studies and and various jobs.
The concepts of science syllabus are very important for the studies of higher classes. so it become very important for the students to understand the concept of class eight science so that science of higher classes can be understood very easily.
NCERT solutions of science class 8 will help in the following ways:
- Very easy to understand and learn.
- Best explanation including all important points.
- Will help the students to improve basic concepts of the science subject.
- Lot of extra problems to understand the concepts in detail.
- Class 8th NCERT solutions by
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science: Chapters
- Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
- Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
- Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
- Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
- Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum
- Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame
- Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions
- Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals
- Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
- Chapter 12: Friction
- Chapter 13: Sound
- Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
- Chapter 16: Light
- Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System
- Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water
Topics Introduced in NCERT solutions For Class 8 Science
The different topics included in each chapter are as under:
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
- 1.1: Agricultural Practices
- 1.2: Basic Practices of Crop Production
- 1.3: Preparation of Soil
- 1.4: Sowing
- 1.5 Adding Manure and Fertilizers
- 1.6: Irrigation
- 1.7: Protection from Weeds
- 1.8: Harvesting
- 1.9: Storage
- 1.10: Food from Animals
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
- 2.1: Microorganisms
- 2.2: Where do Microorganisms Live?
- 2.3: Microorganisms and Us
- 2.4: Harmful Microorganisms
- 2.5: Food Preservation
- 2.6: Nitrogen Fixation
- 2.7: Nitrogen cycle
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres And Plastics
- 3.1: What are Synthetic Fibres?
- 3.2: Types of Synthetic Fibres
- 3.3: Characteristics of Synthetic Fibres
- 3.4: Plastics
- 3.5: Plastics as Materials of Choice
- 3.6: Plastics and the Environment
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
- 4.1: Physical Properties of Metals and Non-metals
- 4.2: Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals
- 4.3: Uses of Metals and Non-metals
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 5: Coal And Petroleum
- 5.1: Coal
- 5.2: Petroleum
- 5.3: Natural Gas
- 5.4: Some Natural Resources are Limited
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 6: Combustion And Flame
- 6.1: What is Combustion?
- 6.2: How Do We Control Fire?
- 6.3 Types of Combustion
- 6.4: Flame
- 6.5: Structure of a Flame
- 6.6: What is a Fuel?
- 6.7: Fuel Efficiency
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
- 7.1: Deforestation and Its Causes
- 7.2: Consequences of Deforestation
- 7.3: Conservation of Forest and Wildlife
- 7.4: Biosphere Reserve
- 7.5: Flora and Fauna
- 7.6: Endemic Species
- 7.7: Wildlife Sanctuary
- 7.8: National Park
- 7.9: Red Data Book
- 7.10: Migration
- 7.11: Recycling of Paper
- 7.12: Reforestation
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 8: Cell — Structure and Functions
- 8.1: Discovery of the Cell
- 8.2: The Cell
- 8.3: Organisms show Variety in Cell Number, Shape and Size
- 8.4: Cell Structure and Function
- 8.5: Parts of the Cell
- 8.6: Comparison of Plants and Animals Cells
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 9: Reproduction In Animals
- 9.1: Modes of Reproduction
- 9.2: Sexual Reproduction
- 9.3: Asexual Reproduction
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 10: Reaching The Age Of Adolescence
- 10.1: Adolescence and Puberty
- 10.2: Changes at Puberty
- 10.3: Secondary Sexual Characters
- 10.4: Role of Hormones in Initiating Reproductive Function
- 10.5: Reproductive Phase of Life in Humans
- 10.6: How is the Sex of the Baby Determined?
- 10.7: Hormones other than Sex Hormones
- 10.8: Role of Hormones in Completing the Life History of Insects and Frogs
- 10.9: Reproductive Health
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 11: Force And Pressure
- 11.1: Force: A push or a Pull
- 11.2: Forces are due to an Interaction
- 11.3: Exploring Forces
- 11.4: A Force can Change the State of Motion
- 11.5: Force can Change the Shape of an object
- 11.6: Contact Forces
- 11.7: Non-contact Forces
- 11.8: Pressure
- 11.9: Pressure Exerted by Liquids and Gases
- 11.10: Atmospheric Pressure
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 12: Friction
- 12.1: Force of Friction
- 12.2: Factors affecting Friction
- 12.3: Friction: A Necessary Evil
- 12.4: Increasing and Reducing Friction
- 12.5: Wheels Reduce Friction
- 12.6: Fluid Friction
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 13: Sound
- 13.1: Sound is Produced by Vibrating Bodies
- 13.2: Sound Produced by Humans
- 13.3: Sounds Needs a Medium for Propagation
- 13.4: We Hear Sound through Our Ears
- 13.5: Aptitude, Time Period and Frequency of a vibration
- 13.6: Audible and Inaudible Sounds
- 13.7: Noise and Music
- 13.8: Noise Pollution
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 14: Chemical Effects Of Electric Current
- 14.1: Do Liquids Conduct Electricity?
- 14.2: Chemical Effects Of Electric Current
- 14.3: Electroplating
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
- 15.1: Lightning
- 15.2: Charging by Rubbing
- 15.3: Types of Charges and Their Interaction
- 15.4: Transfer of Charge
- 15.5: The Story of Lightning
- 15.6: Lightning Safety
- 15.7: Earthquakes
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 16: Light
- 16.1: What makes Things Visible
- 16.2: Laws of Reflection
- 16.3: Regular and Diffused Reflection
- 16.4: Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again
- 16.5: Multiple Images
- 16.6: Sunlight – White or Coloured
- 16.7: What is inside Our Eyes?
- 16.8: Care of the Eyes
- 16.9: Visually Impaired Persons Can Read and Write
- 16.10: What is Braille System?
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 17: Stars And The Solar System
- 17.1: The Moon
- 17.2: The Stars
- 17.3: Constellations
- 17.4: The Solar System
- 17.5: Some Other Members of the Solar System
NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water
- 18.1: Air Pollution
- 18.2: How does Air Get Polluted?
- 18.3: Case Study- The Taj Mahal
- 18.4: Greenhouse Effect
- 18.5: What can be Done?
- 18.6: Water Pollution
- 18.7: How does Water Get Polluted?
- 18.8: What is Potable Water and How is Water Purified?
- 18.9: What Can be Done?