CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 12 Sound
We team of are representing best ever notes of science of class 9th for CBSE and other state boards of India. Notes are prepared by experts as per the syllabus of NCERT. We have covered not only NCERT pattern but detailed explanation is given on all important topics that is not given in NCERT books also. Class 9th is very important for the future classes. Class 9th science is the basic of the class 11th science. So it become very important for the students to learn and understand each concept very deeply for the basic knowledge.
Class 9th science Chapter 12 Sound has been written in very easy language and proper format which will help the students to attempt the paper per with very effective manner. Crystal clear concepts and best format of writing will help the student to achieve good marks in their exams.
Science notes of class 9th Chapter 12 Sound is very basic lesson but it is very important for future classes.
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CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 12- Topics covered
Sound, The Medium, How Is Sound Transmitted?, Compression And Rarefaction, Mechanical Wave, Types Of Mechanical Wave, Transverse Wave Motion, Longitudinal Wave Motion, Sound Require Medium For Propagation, Sound Wave, Characteristics Of Sound Wave, Difference Between Transverse Waves & Longitudinal Waves, Factors Affecting The Speed Of Sound, Reflection Of Sound, Echo, Practical Use Reflection Of Sound, Reverberation, Ways To Reduce Reverberation, Type Of Sound, Infrasonic Sound, Audio Sound, Ultrasonic, Sonic Boom, Ultrasound Applications, Use Of The Ultrasound In Cleaning The Spiral Drains, Use Of Ultrasound To Detect The Cracks Of The Blocks, Use Of Ultrasound In The Medical Field, Sonar: Sound Navigation And Ranging, Use Of Bats To Catch Prey, Human Ear.
CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 12
Sound– Demo Pages