CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

We team of are representing best ever notes of science of class 9th for CBSE and other state boards of India. Notes are prepared by experts as per the syllabus of NCERT. We have covered not only NCERT pattern but detailed explanation is given on all important topics that is not given in NCERT books also. Class 9th is very important for the future classes. Class 9th science is the basic of the class 11th science.  So it become very important for the students to learn and understand each concept very deeply for the basic knowledge.

Class 9th science Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources has been written in very easy language and proper format which will help the students to attempt the paper per with very effective manner. Crystal clear concepts and best format of writing will help the student to achieve good marks in their exams.

Science notes of class 9th Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources is very basic lesson but it is very important for future classes.

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CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 15- Topics covered

Food, Various Sources Of Our Food, Components Of Food And Sources, Green Revolution, Need Of Improvement In Crop Varieties, Kharif And Rabi Crops, How Varieties Of Plants Can Be Improved?, Agricultural Techniques , Improved Varieties In Higher Yield, Why Short Maturity Period Of Crops? Required Nutrients For Green Plants, Fertilizers, There Are The Two Types Of Fertilizers, Fertilizers Is A Necessary Evil. How?, Difference Between Manure And Fertilizers, Compost Manure, Green Manure, Irrigation, Why Do Droughts Occur?, Irrigation Methods, Cropping Patterns, Mixed Cropping, Intercropping, Crop Rotation, How Is Crop Rotation Useful?, Crop Production Management, Weeds

Weed Control Methods, Pests, Diseases In Crop Plants, Storage Of Grains, How To Prevent Storage Loss?, Animal Husbandry, Cattle Farming, Milch Animals, Draught Animals, Can We Increase Milk, Production In Cattle?, Animal Feeds, Poultry Farming, Egg And Broiler Production, Daily Food , Requirement For Broilers, Diseases And Prevention In Poultry, Pisciculture, Apiculture, Benefits Of Bee, Keeping, Varieties Of Bees For Honey Production.

CBSE Class 9 Science Notes Chapter 15

Improvement in Food Resources– Demo Pages

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