CBSE CLASS 11 Physics Notes

CBSE Class 11 Physics Notes designed by our expert team, these notes offer a deep understanding of all topics covered in the NCERT syllabus, along with additional content crucial for your Board Exams. Our step-by-step explanations make even the most challenging concepts incredibly easy to grasp. These notes cater to CBSE and other state boards following the NCERT pattern.

One of the standout features of our CBSE Class 11 Physics Notes is the way we present derivations. We’ve crafted these derivations in a unique, straightforward manner, ensuring a clear understanding. Even the trickiest topics are made accessible through our meticulously designed notes. The format is both intuitive and impressive, fostering an enjoyable learning experience.

We understand that derivations play a pivotal role in home preparations. By utilizing our effective derivations, students can save valuable time that would otherwise be spent in coaching sessions. Furthermore, mastering our Physics Notes sets a solid foundation for comprehending the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics.

Our focus extends to topics that hold significant weightage in exams. This emphasis ensures that you’re well-prepared for assessments. Not only do our notes aid in thorough preparation, but they also facilitate quick revision with easily accessible derivations.

If you’re seeking a rapid yet comprehensive approach to cover the entire physics syllabus, our Notes are your ideal choice. But that’s not all – we offer more than just CBSE Class 11 Physics Notes. Our repository includes Class 11 Chemistry Notes and Class 11 Biology Notes as well. Additionally, we provide MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) that contribute to your holistic Class 11 Physics preparation.

Our CBSE Class 11 Physics notes, complete with derivations, are structured with step-by-step explanations and the simplest possible derivations. These notes are invaluable not only for CBSE but also for State Board Exams across India. They adhere to NCERT syllabus guidelines, allowing you to attain crystal-clear concepts of Class 11 Physics.

For those who wish to delve into the NCERT Book for Class 11 Physics, a downloadable version is available here. While NCERT books are essential, our Physics Notes enhance understanding through comprehensive explanations of each topic.

In our CBSE Class 11 Physics notes, you’ll find every derivation alongside easy-to-understand diagrams that enhance clarity. Complex subjects are broken down into point-wise explanations, ensuring effortless comprehension. While the PDF version of the Physics Notes cannot be downloaded directly, you have the option to order a printed copy. This approach not only conserves your time but also minimizes expenses associated with individual subject coaching.

Our notes place a strong emphasis on high-weightage topics, covering the entire CBSE and NCERT syllabus. Whether you’re preparing for exams or aiming for a thorough grasp of physics, our CBSE Class 11 Physics Notes are your ultimate companion.

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CBSE Class 11 Physics Notes with derivations

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 1. Physical World

What Is Science, Scientific Methods, Natural Sciences , Physics , Two Principal Types of Approaches In Physics, Scope of Physics, Classical Physics and Macroscopic Domain , Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Optics, Thermodynamics, Factors Responsible For Progress of Physics , Hypothesis, Axiom and Models, Technological Applications of Physics , Fundamental Forces In Nature , Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force, Comparision Between Different Fundamental Forces

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Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 2. Units and Measurements

Physical Quantity, Representation of Physical Quantity, Characteristics of a Unit, Fundamental Quantities, Derived Quantities, Systems of Units, SI System of Units, Fundamentals Units, Supplementary Units, Measurement of Length, Astronomical Unit (Au), Light Year, Parsec, Indirect Method To Mesurement of Large Or Small Distances, Parallax Method, Measurment of Molecule Size: Size of Oleic Acid Molecule, Coherent System of Units, Advantages of Si System, Order of Magnitude, Dimensions and Dimensional Formulae, Dimensional Formula of Some Physical Quantities, Four Types of Quantities, Dimensional Equations, Applications of Dimensional Equations, Conversion of One System of Unit Into Another System, Checking The Accuracy of Various Formulae, Derivation of Formulae, Limitations of Dimensional Analysis, Significant Figures, Rules For Finding Significant Figures, Significant Figures In Algebric Operations, Addition Or Subtraction, Multiplication Or Division, Rules of Rounding off Significant Figures, Error, Absolute Error, Mean Absolute Error, Relative Error, Percentage Error, Propagation of Error, Error In Addition Or Subtraction, Error In Multiplication Or Division, Error In Measured Quantity Raised To Power

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 3. Motion in Straight Line

Mechanics, Branches of Mechanics, Rest and Motion, Rest and Motion Are Relative Terms, Types of Motion , Concept of Point Mass Object , Motion In One Dimension, Two Dimensions Or Three Dimensions, Physical Quantities, Distance and Displacement, Displacement, Characteristics of Displacement, Speed , Types of Speed, Velocity, Type of Velocity, Formula For Uniform Motion, Graphical Representation , Relative Velocity , Expression For Relative Velocity, Determination of Relative Velocity, Uniformly Accelerated Motion, Acceleration, Uniformly Accelerated Motion (Equations of Motion), Proof of Equations of Motion With The Help of Graph, Proof of Equations of Motion With Calculas Method

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 4. Motion in a Plane

Scalar and Vectors, Scalar Quantities, Vector Quantities, Representation of A Vector, Polar Vectors, Axial Vectors, Position and Displacement Vector, Position Vector, Displacement Vector, Some Important Types of Polar Vectors , Multiplication of A Vector By A Real Number, Multiplication of A Vector By A Scalar, Resultant Vector, Addition and Subtraction of Vectors, Addition of Two Vectors Acting In Different Direction, Triangle Law of Vector Addition, Analytical Method To Determine Resultant Vector, Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition, Polygon Law of Vector Addition, Properties of Vector Addition, Condition For Zero Resultant Vector, Crossing River By A Boat, Crossing River Along Shortest Path, Crossing River In Shortest Time, Projectile, Types of Projectiles, Horizontal Projectile, Nature of Path of Projectile, Time of Flight, Horizontal Range, Resultant Velocity, Inclined Projectile Or Angular Projectile, Nature of The Path, Maximum Height, Time of Flight, Horizontal Range, Two Angles Projection For Same Horizontal Range, Resultant Velocity of Projectile At Any Time

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 5. Laws of Motion

Force, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Newton’s First Law of Motion , Inertia , Inertia of Rest, Inertia of Motion, Inertia of Direction, Linear Momentum, Newton’s Second Law of Motion, Practical Applications of Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, Units of Force , Absolute Units of Force, Gravitational Units of Force, Newton’s Third Law of Motion, Some Applications of Newton Third Law, Law of Conservation of Momentum, Applications of Law of Conservation of Momentum, Newton’s Second Law of Motion Is Real Law of Motion, Newton’s First Law From Second Law, Newton’s Third Law From Second Law Impulse, Apparent Weight of A Person In A Lift, Problem of Mass and Pulley, Friction, Origin of Sliding Friction- Old View, Limitations of Old View, Origin of Sliding Friction- Modern View, Sliding Friction Is of Three Types, Variation of Force of Friction With Applied Force, Kinetic Friction Is of Two Types, Rolling Friction, Cause of Rolling Friction, Static Friction Is A Self-Adjusting Friction, Laws of Limiting Friction, Coefficient of Friction, Angle of Friction, Relation Between and Coefficient of Limiting Friction, Angle of Repose Or Angle of Sliding, Acceleration of A Body Down A Rough Inclined Plane, Worker Done In Moving A Body Up A Rough Inclined Plane, Motion On A Level Road , Banking of Roads, Bending of A Cyclist, Motion In A Vertical Circle, Application of Motion In A Vertical Circle

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 6. Work, Energy and Power

Work, Types of Work, Units of Work, Relation Between Joule and Erg, Work Energy Theorem, Work Done By Variable Force, Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces, Power, Units and Dimensional Formula of Power, Energy, Mechanical Energy, Kinetic Energy, Expression For Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Expression For Gravitational Potential Energy, Expression For Potential Energy of A Spring, Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Conservation of M.E. of A Freely Falling Body Under Gravity, Mass-Energy Equivalence, Collisions, Coefficient of Restitution Or Resilience, Elastic Collision – One Dimensional Or Head-On Collision, Determination of Velocity After Collision, Elastic Collision – Two Dimensional Or Oblique Collisions, Inelastic Collision – One Dimensional, Inelastic Collision – Two Dimensional

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Centre of Mass, Centre of Mass of Two Particle System, Cm For N Particle System, Centre of Mass of Various Objects, Characteristics of Centre of Mass, Rigid Body, Translatory Motion, Rotatory Motion, Torque, Cartesian Form of Torque, Polar Form of Torque, Physical Significance of Torque, Angular Momentum, Cartesian Form of Angular Momentum, Polar Form of Angular Momentum, Relation Between Torque and Angular Momentum, Geometrical Meaning of Angular Momentum, Principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum, Moment of Inertia of Rigid Body, Physical Significance of Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration, Theorems On Moment of Inertia, Theorem of Parallel Axis, Theorem of Perpendicular Axes, Kinetic Energy of Rotation, Moment of Inertia of Circular Ring, Mi About An Axis ⊥ To The Plane and Passing Through Its Centre, Moment of Inertia About Any Diameter of The Ring, Moment of Inertia About A Tangent In The Plane of The Ring, Mi About A Tangent Perpendicular To The Plane of The Ring, Moment of Inertia of A Uniform Circular Disc, Mi About An Axis ⊥ To The Plane and Passing Through The Centre, Moment of Inertia of Disc About Any Diameter, Moment of Inertia About A Tangent In The Plane of The Disc, Moment of Inertia About A Tangent ⊥ To The Plane of The Disc, Moment of Inertia of A Uniform Rod, Mi About An Axis Passing Through Its Centre and ⊥ To Its Length, Mi About An Axis ⊥ To Its Length and Passing Through Its One End, Relation Between Angular Momentum and Torque, Rolling Motion of An Object, Rolling Motion of A Body On Inclined Plane (Relation Between Acceleration and Moment of Inertia)

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 8. Gravitation

Gravitation, Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Define G, Vector Form of Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Gravity, Acceleration Due To Gravity,Relation Between g and G, Application of Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Variation of Acceleration Due To Gravity, Gravitational Field, Intensity of Gravitational Field, Gravitational Potential, Expression For Gravitational Potential At a Point, Gravitational Potential Energy, Expression For Gravitational Potential Energy At A Point, Gravitational Potential Energy Near The Surface of Earth, Orbital Velocity, Time Period and Height of The Satellite, Orbital Velocity For Satellite Near The Surface of Earth, Time Period of Satellite, Height of The Satellite, Geostationary Or Geo Synchronous Satellite, Orbital Velocity of Geostationary Satellite, Escape Velocity, Gravitational Pull of Earth and Never Return On Earth, Expression For Escape Velocity, Theory of Planetary Motion, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 10. Mechanical Properties of Solids

Some Terms, Rigid Body, Elasticity, Deforming Force, Perfectly Elastic Body, Plastic Body, Stress, Types of Stress, Strain, Types of Strain, Elastic Limit, Hooke’s Law, Modulus of Elasticity, Types of Modulus of Elasticity, Young Modulus of Elasticity (Y), Important Questions, Bulk Modules of Elasticity, Compressibility, Modulus of Rigidity Or Shearing Modulus of Elasticity (G), Elastic After Effect , Elastic Fatigue, Elastic Potential Energy In A Wire, Stress- Strain Relationship In A Wire, Classification of Materials From Above Graph, Poisson’s Ratio (Σ), Effect of Compression On The Density of Liquid, Applications of Elasticity

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 11. Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Some Terms, Liquid In Equilibrium, Pressure, Applications of Pressure, Density, Relative Density, Variation of Pressure With Depth, Hydrostatic Paradox, Pascal’s Law, Application For Pascal’s Law, Atmospheric Pressure, Buoyancy, Archimede’s Principle, Law of Flotation, Measurements of Pressure Difference, Intermolecular Force, Intermolecular Binding Energy of Liquid , Molecular Range , Sphere of Influence, Surface Film, Surface Tension, Important Questions, Surface Energy, Excess of Pressure Inside A Liquid Drop, Excess of Pressure Inside An Air Bubble In A Liquid, Excess of Pressure Inside A Soap Bubble, Variation In Surface Tension, Angle of Contact, Capillarity, Rise of Liquid In A Capillary Tube (Ascent Formula), Calculation of R, Rise of Liquid In A Tube of Insufficient Length, Radius of New Bubble When Two Soap Bubbles Coalesce, Hydrodynamics, Viscosity , Coefficient of Viscosity, Difference Between Viscosity and Solid Friction, Poiseuille’s Formula, Derivation of Poiseuille’s Formula (Using Dimensional Method), Stoke’s Law, Derivation of Stoke’s Law By Method of Dimensions, Terminal Velocity, Streamline Flow, Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, Critical Velocity, Reynold’s Number , Physical Significance of Reynold’s Number, Equation of Continuity, Energy of A Liquid, Bernoulli’s Theorem , Application of Bernoulli’s Theorem, Torricelli’s Theorem, Blowing off The Roof During Strom

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 12. Thermodynamics

Heat, Molecular Motion, Temperature , Celsius Temperature Scale, Fahrenheit Temperature Scale Kelvin Scale, Absolute Temperature Scale (Kelvin Scale), Relation Between Different Scales of Temperature, Thermal Expansion, Linear Expansion, Area Expansion, Volume Expansion, Relation Betweenα, β and γ, Relation Between α and β, Relation Between α and γ, Effect of Temperature On Density of Solid, Expansion of Liquid, Anomalous Behaviour of Water On Expansion, Specific Heat Capacity Or Heat Capacity, Molar Heat Capacity, Heat Capacity Or Thermal Capacity , Water Equivalent, Specific Heat of A Gas, Expansion of Gas, Two Principal Specific Heat of Gas, Heat Capacity of A Gas At Constant Volume, Heat Capacity of A Gas At Constant Pressure, Cp Greater Than Cv, Change of State, Discussion of Graph, Pressure-Temperature Diagram, Latent Heat, Calorimetry, Transfer of Heat, Conduction, Convection, Radiation Method, Thermal Conductivity, Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of Solid, Thermal Radiation, Basic Property of Thermal Radiation, Newton`S Law of Cooling, Expression, Reflectance, Absorbtance, and Transmittance, Expression, Perfectly Black Body, Wien’s Displacement Law, Stefan’s Law, Monochromatic Emittance, Total Emittance Or Emissive Power, Emissivity (ϵ), Monochromatic Absorbtance (Aλ), Kirchhoff’s Law

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 13. Kinetic Theory of Gases

Thermodynamics, Some Important Basic Terms, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Thermodynamic System, Adiabatic Wall, Diathermic Wall, Heat, Internal Energy, Thermodynamic State Variable, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Equation of State, Thermodynamic Process, Isothermal Change/ Operation, Essential (Necessary) Condition, Isothermal Curve, Adiabatic Change Or Operation, Essential Condition For Adiabatic Change, Equation of State For Adiabatic Change, Adiabatic Curve, Work Done In An Isothermal Expansion, Work Done In An Adiabatic Expansion, Slopes of Isothermal and Adiabatic Process, Graph For Both Types of Expansion and Compression, Comparison Between Isothermal and Adiabatic Change, Work Done In Terms of Indicator Diagram, First Law of Thermodynamics, Application of Thermodynamics , Isothermal Process, Adiabatic Process, Isochoric Process, Relation B/W Two Principle Specific Heat of Gas (Mayer’s Formula), Melting Process, Boiling Process, Cv and Cp For A Mixture of Gases, Limitation of First Law, Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Process, Heat Engine, Efficiency, Types of Heat Engine, Refrigerator and Its Principle, Coefficient of Performance, Relation Between Β and Η, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible Process , Carnot Heat Engine, Prove That Q_2/Q_1 =T_2/T_1 In A Carnot Heat Engine, Carnot Theorem

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 14. Oscillations

Ideal Gas Or Perfect Gas, Characteristics, Assumptions of Kinetic Theory of Gas, Avogadro Hypothesis, Uses of Avogadro Number, Pressure Exerted By A Gas, Relation Between Kinetic Energy and Pressure , Average Kinetic Energy Per Molecule of Gas, Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature, Derivation of Gas Laws From Kinetic Theory of Gas, Degree of Freedom, Law of Equipartition of Energy, Sp. Heat Capacity of Monatomic, Diatomic, Triatomic Gases, Specific Heat Capacity of Solid, Specific Heat Capacity of Water, Most Probable Speed, Mean Speed Or Average Speed, Root Mean Square Speed, Mean Free Path, Brownian Motion, Periodic Motion, Oscillatory Motion, Some Definitions, Harmonic Oscillations, Non–Harmonic Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), Characteristics of SHM, Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Amplitude, Time Period, Energy In SHM, Potential Energy of Particle In SHM, Kinetic Energy of SHM, Examples of SHM, Simple Pendulum, Second Pendulum, Oscillation of A Liquid In U Shaped Tube, Oscillation of A Floating Cylinder, Oscillations of A Loaded Spring, Oscillations In Horizontal Spring, Oscillations In A Vertical Spring, Oscillations In Two Springs In Parallel Combination, Two Spring In Series Combination, Undamped and Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillation, Free, Forces and Resonant Oscillations

Class 11 Physics Notes Chapter 15. Waves

Wave Motion, Types of Waves, Mechanical Wave, Types of Mechanical Wave, Electromagnetic Wave, Matter Wave, Transverse Wave Motion, Longitudinal Wave Motion, Wave Function,Periodic Wave Function, Relation Between Velocity, Frequency and Wavelength, Equation of Plane Progressive Simple Harmonic Wave, Phase and Phase Difference, Phase Difference, Charectristics of Particle In Oscillations, Particle Velocity, Acceleration, Speed of Transverse Wave, Speed of Longitudinal Wave, Speed of Sound In Air, Newton’s Formula, Laplace Correction, Factor Affecting Velocity of Sound In Air, Effect of Pressure, Effect of Temperature, Effect of Humidity, Effect of Wind Velocity, Reflection From Rigid End, Reflection At Free End, Principle of Superposition of Waves, Stationary Waves Or Standing Waves, Types of Stationary Wave, Characteristics of Stationary Wave, Some Important Terms Related To Stationary Waves, Analytical Treatment of Stationary Wave, Formation of Harmonics In A String, First Mode of Vibration, Second Mode of Vibration, Third Mode of Vibration, Laws of Vibrations In Stretched String, Standing Wave In Closed Pipe, First Mode of Vibration, Second Mode of Vibration, Third Mode of Vibration, Standing Wave In Open Organ Pipes, First Mode of Vibration, Second Mode of Vibration, Third Mode of Vibration, Beats, Mathematical Treatment of Beats


Some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the provided information about CBSE Class 11 Physics notes:

  1. What are CBSE Class 11 Physics notes with derivations? CBSE Class 11 Physics notes with derivations are comprehensive study materials created by an expert team. These notes cover all topics in the NCERT syllabus along with additional topics necessary for board exams.

  2. What makes these notes stand out? These notes are designed with a step-by-step explanation of topics, making even challenging concepts easier to understand. The impressive format of the notes enhances the learning experience, ensuring that difficult topics become manageable.

  3. Are these notes suitable for CBSE and other state boards in India? Yes, these notes are suitable for CBSE and other state boards in India that follow the NCERT pattern for their syllabus. The content aligns with the requirements of various board exams.

  4. What is the main focus of CBSE Class 11 Physics notes? The main focus of these notes is on derivations, which are presented in a unique and easy-to-understand manner. Complex derivations are simplified, making them accessible to students.

  5. How can these notes benefit students in home preparations? These notes contain all important derivations of Class 11 Physics, making home preparations effective and time-saving. Students can use these notes to understand and learn derivations independently.

  6. How do these notes complement NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics? After covering the syllabus with these Physics notes, students will find it easier to grasp NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics. The notes provide a strong foundation for understanding concepts and solving problems.

  7. Do these notes focus on topics with higher exam weightage? Yes, the notes are designed to cover topics that carry more weightage in exams. This strategic approach helps students focus on areas that are likely to appear on the exams.

  8. Are these notes helpful for quick revision? Absolutely, the well-structured notes, along with the simplified derivations, make for efficient revision resources. Students can quickly revisit key concepts and derivations before exams.

  9. Are there other subject notes available as well? Yes, besides Class 11 Physics Notes, there are also Class 11 Chemistry Notes and Class 11 Biology Notes available. This ensures comprehensive coverage of the science subjects.

  10. How do the MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) contribute to overall preparation? The MCQs provided alongside the notes serve as valuable practice for students. They enhance overall preparation and help students assess their understanding of the subject.

  11. What kind of students should consider using these notes? These notes are suitable for students who are looking for comprehensive and well-structured study materials to quickly cover the entire Physics syllabus while focusing on derivations and key concepts.

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